Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wildfire at Gahagan

A small wildfire spread from the adjacent village/township recycle center onto a portion of the Gahagan Preserve.
The major lasting effect will be the scar from the plowline made to prevent further advance of the fire. The fire crossed the White trail which will be temporarily impassable because of fallen trees and the plowline.

Marsh Marigolds in full bloom

This year's exceptional marsh marigold "crop" is In full bloom in the wetlands near the gazebo.

Friday, May 3, 2013

A late spring

Last spring arrived fast and early. This Spring - not so much. As an example, check the post from April 24, 2012. The marsh marigolds were in full bloom in the wetland near the gazebo. Now look at the marigold as they looked today. You can see that they are getting ready to bloom but have not begun to open. They are about two weeks behind last year.